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Local business need to rank in Google in order to attract new customers. Ranking means that when someone searches for “pediatric dentists”, your practice will show at the top of the results page, so people can easily locate your website and your office. Google recently changed their local search engine results page and now only show 3 local businesses instead of 7. That means it’s harder than ever to get ranked, but there are a few crucial ways to help ensure one of those coveted spots goes to you.

Google is looking for several things:
  1. Is your website mobile friendly?
  2. Does it offer fresh and interesting content?
  3. Is it user friendly?
  4. Does the business have Yelp, Google Maps, and other local directory profiles?

Let’s break each down.

Is your website mobile friendly?

What is a Mobile Friendly Website?

A website that is easy to use and navigate on the small screen of a smartphone or tablet.

Why is it important?

Over 60% of people now use their mobile devices to search for local services - that’s a huge amount of business! One of the variables in Google's ranking algorithm is support for mobile devices. Optimizing your website so it looks good and is easy to use on a mobile device is crucial to making sure you rank in search engines and attract new customers.

Does it offer fresh and interesting content?

What is Fresh, Interesting Content?

Let parents get to know you with detailed information about your practice, who works there, and what makes you special. The more warmth and personality your website delivers, the more parents will feel their children will be in good hands. Adding a blog to your site is also a great way to add extra content that can be fun, entertaining and educational.

Why is it important?

According to a major recent study, people only have an 8-second attention span and will leave your website almost immediately if the content doesn’t catch their eyes. Engaging content helps parents learn about your practice, and can will sway them to select you over your competitors.

Is it user friendly?

What is User Friendliness?

A website that is easy for people to use and navigate. A nice design layout with easy navigation along with clear and engaging content is what user-friendly site is all about.

Why is it important?

People will leave a website if they can’t immediately find the information they are looking for. Websites that are cluttered and have confusing navigation frustrates users. A website with a clear design, easy navigation and well-written content will engage users and help them choose you.

Does the business have Yelp, Google Maps, and other local directory profiles?

What are Local Directory Profiles?

An online directory that lists businesses and services, typically geo-organized. Some online directories allow customers to leave comments about their experiences with a business.

Why are they important?

Google Local and Yelp are the most important and widely-used services to find and learn about businesses. Having your website listed in these directories is one of the most important ways for people to discover your practice. Yelp also has a feature that allows customers to review their experience with a business. Highly-rated businesses are often listed higher in search results, so encourage satisfied patients to rate and review your practice to help you gain more visibility.

These are just some of the ways we optimize your website in order for your practice to gain more online traffic and visibility, which ultimately helps you attract more patients and grow your practice. In addition, we offer several other services that help increase traffic to your website and help your business succeed:

  • Local Search Engine Optimization
  • Copywriting and Blogging
  • Online Advertising
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
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